Our friend Dee retired from the library system after thirty-eight years with the County. Dee was the Building Maintenance Supervisor, and was responsible for all thirty-eight branches of the Broward County Library System. A big party was held Friday night at the Signature Grand in Davie, Florida, which is just west of Fort La-de-da. It is a huge place consisting solely of banquet rooms. There are at least ten of which I'm certain because I saw them the night of Dee's party, and all of them were full of people having some kind of social affair. Rosa, who put the thing together, was expecting about seventy-five people, but a hundred and forty showed up. It was so strange for me. I recognized almost everyone I saw but could not for the life of me, remember their names
Dumb Law of the Week: In Massachussets, it is illegal to Shave while Driving!
Bad Choice Logo of the Week: Happy Man Bottle Stopper

À la prochaine, mes amis.
I've heard of parking garages like that. I'd like to see how they store the cars inside.
And it's not really a "bad choice logo" since it was done on purpose, no?
All of the logos were done on purpose, but that doesn't change the fact that they were bad choices.
We had to use a small car elevator when we stayed in a hotel in Marseille a couple of years ago.
Those are not unusual in Japan.
A la prochaine! :-)
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