Monday, April 23, 2012

Lots of Good

Good news: The Shingles seem to be clearing up. Very slowly, but the signs are there.

Geoff had his prostate operation on Tuesday and is at home recovering. It seems all went well. Of course, I can only go by what Robb tells me because Goeff had another hissy-fit just before Robb's birthday and isn't talking to me.....again. He claims it's forever this time. One can only hope.

Rick, our neighbor from New York, brought us a beautiful bouquet because I let him use our wifi. 

I tried to reach my sister who is recovering from a bad fall. I called several times a day for four days with no answer. I even tried calling my nephew and my niece with no reply from them either. I was expecting the worst because she has had heart problems, but when I called yesterday, she anwered and all is well. Apparently, she had several appointments, and spent one day getting her hair done.

Dumb Law of the Week: In Alabama, it is illegal to impersonate a person of the clergy.

À la prochaine, mes amis.


PeterParis said...

Happy to see that you seem to feel better! Soon the end of the shingles I hope! Sincereley!

Megan said...

glad you are feeling better. Wondering how NASA plans to wireless transmit power. I'd like to have the patent on that...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The shingles?! Yikes! I am so sorry to hear that and glad that you are recuperating...

I guess that I should get that vaccine.
