Monday, December 17, 2012

Window Dinner

For a little over a week now, new windows and sliding doors are being installed in each of the apartments in our building (they other two buildings were already done) that hadn't already done so on their own. Those of us who have already replaced our doors and/or windows, will receive compensation in the form of our monthly maintenance bill being paid until the appropriate amount has been reached. That will mean most of us will not make a maintenance payment in the year 2013. During the time they were working in the other two buildings, I never heard a sound. For the past two weeks or so, it has been hell in our apartment because of the noise level. I fear we still have about a week to go. A large part of the problem with the noise is that they start at 08h00 every weekday morning.

Friday night we decided to try a new restaurant. New to us since it has been there longer than we have lived in this apartment. J. Alexander's is a very nice place. It is known for its steaks, and since we rarely ever eat steak, we hadn't tried it. Robb had fish, which he said he didn't like very much. I had what they called "Steak Brazzo"...filet mignon pieces in a fantastic Madeira mushroom sauce. They were served with a mountain of "smashed potatoes". And I do mean a mountain. I loved my dinner. For desert, we shared a large portion of carrot cake. Robb drank Pinot Grigio, I drank Côtes du Rhône.

In breakthrough, patients’ immune systems attack cancer cells

Will you live past 100?

Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch?

NYC's taxi commission votes 'yes' to one-year trial of cab-hailing apps

Learn English online: How the internet is changing language

Dumb Law of the Week: In Richmond,Virginia, it is illegal to flip a coin in any eating establishment to determine who buys a cup of coffee.

À la prochaine, mes amis.


PeterParis said...

How do you find all these dumb laws (or invent them)? :-)

Amanda said...

Peter, I like those dumb laws (real or invented)! They make me laugh.

Starman said...

Peter and Nadege - They are real laws!

PeterParis said...

Really! :-)
God Jul!!